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Antoine and Jean-Eden: thank you for your contribution in Benin!

Antoine Troalen is a Business Administration student at ESSEC Business School. Here he tells us about his stay in Benin, where he carried out a study on the social impact of our micro finance partner in this country. Thank you Antoine!

“My 37 days Bohicon, Benin, provided a unique experience in many ways. First there is the sense of giving a boost to the local population, modestly contributing to the improvement of their living conditions. The microcredits funded by Seeds through the local operator CAIES, make it possible for many people to consider daily life in Bohicon with more serenity, sometimes even to make investments in order to improve their working conditions, and thus, life in general. This feeling of being “useful” is much more palpable on the ground in Africa than in the offices in Europe.

This experience has also provided me an opportunity to get to know another way of life, another culture. If the life conditions can sometimes be difficult, they are outweighed by the beauty and uniqueness of the human encounters. We learn from the other, and, perhaps and above all, about yourself.

Being a contributor for Seeds is an opportunity to help and learn, observe and act, give and receive in a unique environment which is, I believe, unforgettable. This experience has made me grow. ”

Jean-Eden is also a Business Administration student at ESSEC Business School. He supported the finance department of our local micro finance partner in order to strengthen its skills. Thank you for your big help in Benin!

“After a first experience in micro-finance in Bolivia, I was looking for a humanitarian mission in Benin, my country of origin. I immediately liked the mission proposed by SEEDS because of its seriousness and impact, so I embarked on the adventure. My mission in CAIES was for me very rewarding. It helped me complete my knowledge of micro-finance, as well as living a powerful experience alongside individuals involved in helping develop their communities. I specifically worked with the CFO of the cooperative. During my mission, we were able to share our knowledge and improve the processing of financial information, a key area for all MFIs. Rediscovering Benin through micro-credit, allowed me to better understand the state of development of the country and convinced me that international solidarity, through partnerships, can improve the lives of micro-entrepreneurs and their families.”

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